Monday, June 30, 2008
Sample Sale Tonight in Cambridge at Christopher's
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
What to Wear: Fourth of July!

Monday, June 23, 2008
Call For Designers
Do you make something that you think belongs in M Design Boutique?
I am actively seeking beautiful and unique home decor items, men's and women's apparel, baby items and pet items to add to the Fall '08 Collection in MDB.
If your product fits the bill, please email me at with one photo, a description and wholesale and suggested retail pricing information.
I will respond to every inquiry.
Special attention will go to those of you with handmade, eco-friendly products, and to designers with a conscience. M Design Boutique believes in designers as individuals. Be yourself!
Please send this information to anyone you know that may be interested.
Happy Designing!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Summer is Here!
Happy First Day of Summer to everyone! Although I'm not outside this very minute, I will be soon...and I encourage all of you to go out and enjoy your day! Summer is finally here, and for me that means grilling, exploring my newish hometown, taking the dog swimming in the woods and finally getting some sunshine!
Pictured Below: Summer outfit featuring M Design Boutique Accessories: Cha Cha Bracelet and Ring, Jade and Sterling Necklace. OOOOOOOh! SUMMMMMMERRRR!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Friday Feature: Vinyl Wonders
Today's Entry will just be one Record Cover. You see, this one is so FUGLY I couldn't dream of subjecting the rest of the album covers to it...That's it. Enjoy. Happy Weekend!
R is for "Random" -- Good Boots!
Good places to get boots...I mean...who doesn't love boots?!
work boots
lots of options
i got my biker boots here
I hope this will be useful for somebody out there!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
"Tree" Candles
Totally amazing hand-poured "Tree" Candles with real branches sticking out of the bottom as a stand! Available at -- Wow!
read more | digg story
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
What is Your Favorite Thing in MDB?
M Design Boutique would love to know...what is your favorite single item in MDB?
The jewelry? The Bikinis? The Clothing?
Comment on this blog post and I'll run a special price on the top three most popular items.
Thanks for your input!
For those of you with blogs...This Rocks!
I just found a new little "power tool" on the internet that will help sustain me as a blogging fool! I normally don't write about such wonders (well, on this blog at least)...because I reserve that for my other blog...but I know that several of my regular readers might find this handy.
Its called PayPerPost and it basically helps bloggers find companies/people that want to pay them to write blogs. So, I can search for stuff to write about via the list of "opportunities" and then PayPerPost will make sure I'm compensated via PayPal! Its an awesome discovery for me, or any other writer out there who is trying to figure out how make blogging more than just a hobby!
I'll keep you posted when I write some of these blogs! I'm excited about this...and curious...have any of you used it?
If you've used PayPerPost before, I'd love some advice, tips, tricks, warnings or any other input. It seems to be a very useful tool so far, and I'm excited to keep you informed about how it works for me.
Anyway, for those of you out there who are trying to navigate the mysteries of blogging to achieve the goal of becoming a "professional writer" -- this may just be what you're looking for.
Who knew I'd be so excited about something like this!
blog marketing
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Perfect Summer Temperature!
Nothing more than that really...It is 75 degrees, sunny and an absolutely PERFECT Summer day...besides the fact that it is a work day. But alas, that is coming to an end!
Grill! Relax! Take the dog to the woods! Walk somewhere for ice cream!
I'm gonna go with my fella for some dinner at a Pub where the picture windows open up onto the street!
If its like this again tomorrow, we'll grill up some deliciousness and have a fire in the fire pit...Can I get a witness?! This is some SMASHING weather!
Happy Summer Everyone! (well...aaaaaaaalmost Summer)
$10 Discount!!
Regular price: $60 (personalization available -- "2008" or a name or both)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Ancient Bazaar -- Beautiful Quote!
"Five thousand years ago, the marketplace was the hub of civilization, a place to which traders returned from remote lands with exotic spices, silks, monkeys, parrots, jewels -- and fabulous stories.
In many ways, the Internet more resembles an ancient bazaar than it fits the business models companies try to impose upon it. Millions have flocked to the Net in an incredibly short time, not because it was user-friendly -- it wasn’t -- but because it seemed to offer some intangible quality long missing in action from modern life. In sharp contrast to the alienation wrought by homogenized broadcast media, sterilized mass "culture," and the enforced anonymity of bureaucratic organizations, the Internet connected people to each other and provided a space in which the human voice would be rapidly rediscovered."
That quote by Christopher Locke --just put into words for me, the very reason why M Design Boutique exists...because I, like many of you, am sick of the SAME things everywhere...I want commerce to have culture. But I won't clutter too much what the quote says...It rings SO TRUE!!

Do you like these, but you're not ready to buy them? Click the button and show some love!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Summertime Scarf/Boots!
In response to a post on Gala Darling's blog here where she talks about wearing pink cowboy boots...I thought I would post this picture from a Sample Sale I did with my Swirl Yarnthings Scarves (available in M Design Boutique). This adorable girl was about 4' 10" tall and was loving my Hot Pink Rock-and-Roll Boa with her Hot Pink Cowboy Boots! I had to take a photo of her for some future use...which is now!
So all you Gala Darling Readers: Here's a real-life example of a girl in Los Angeles (Silverlake) -- Rockin' the Pink Cowboy Boots! And in response to "Toria's" comment: you can be short and look awesome wearing Pink Cowboy Boots!
Happy Weekend!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Friday Feature: Vinyl Wonders
But I digress...Its Time for Vinyl Wonders!
Friday the 13th -- Scared? You should be...Liz Lyons could be around any corner...Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Do you think Klaus Nomi's Mom had this in mind? I don't. I think she's pissed about the whole shoulder pad thing. She's like "Um Klaus...1984 called and wants its jacket back" Haaa!

You know...I feel a little bad that I never thought about how Morticians need music too! I'm just sitting here in my happy little life, sipping Mojitos, taking in a polo match here and there...drinking in the finer things...and the Morticians...well...they get jack shit and what do I care? that the issue has been brought to my attention, maybe I'll be a little more sensitive...and just look! Such a curious bunch!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Newsletter! Sign Up and Get a 20% off Discount Code!
Do you like these, but you're not ready to buy them? Click the button and show some love!
Subscribe to the M Design Boutique newsletter
Click the link up there and sign up for my newsletter (one or two mailings per month)...and I will email you with a "Secret" Discount Code for 20% off of your entire purchase in M Design Boutique!
The newsletter announces sales, discounts, mark-downs and coupons along with what's new in M Design Boutique.
Be sure to sign up so you can keep track of the promotions!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Regarding the "Flora" Bag Discount!
For those of you that read this blog from a "Reader" -- you'll need to click into the actual blog page to see the "Pay Now" Button for the $2 Discount on the Yellow "Flora" Bag...
Yellow "Flora" Re-usable Grocery Bag -- Get $2 Off!
That's two dollars off of the regular price $8.50 in M Design Boutique!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Its HOT!! Bikini Season is NOW!
Pictured Below: The Jolly Rancher Bikini
The Jolly Rancher has bottoms that feature a boy short cut, with the signature "keep yer pants on" design.

Monday, June 9, 2008
Re-usable Shopping Bags
In my boutique there are several different designs of these awesome re-usable shopping bags. These are not just good-lookin' -- they're really functional! I bring them everywhere. Its easy because they roll up and have a little strap that keeps them secure...sort of like an umbrella, only about 3-inches long. The fabric is ultra light-weight so they can be stuffed into any purse, glove box or even cargo pockets.
The best part, though, is that unlike other "cute" re-usable bags, these cost just $8.50 in M Design Boutique. They hold about two regular grocery bags worth of stuff...but I noticed that at my local grocery store, they never EVER pack a plastic grocery bag all the way full...and they double bag...but these ones they always fill to the top...I think because they know I'm watching, and they know I care!
Each time I'm in line with these bags, the people behind me ask about them. I love it! I'm not only avoiding the horrors of adding to the plastic bag problem, but I'm raising awareness...even if its one person at a time! Think of how many bags just one family fills for one week's shopping! A cart full of groceries can fill up 20-30 double bags, if not more! Multiply that by 52 weeks/year, etc....Gross!
These bags are also washable and do great as beach bags, day bags for walking around the city...or for picnics, pet "stuff", and to keep handy in the car for whatever else.
I knew I'd like these bags, but I didn't know how much I'd LOVE them. I am considering running a promotion in my boutique where every person who spends $25 or more gets one of these for free for one week. I want people to have these, to see these, to use these and to fall in love with them!
What would make YOU want to buy one? I'm always looking for feedback about my products and prices. The best suggestion about how to market these eco-friendly bags gets a free one! Just comment on this post with your suggestion, and I'll post all of the comments, with the winning suggestion in one week!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
MDB Ad! Original Design by Tammy Ealom
The first incarnation of this Advertisement was designed by Tammy Ealom of Dressy Bessy fame (they've had multiple appearances on Conan O'Brien!). Ive modified it slightly to keep it up-to-date with what is available in MDB!
Friday, June 6, 2008
R is for "Random" -- A Whole New Blog!
If you've noticed, my blogs have become increasingly "random" as far as topics...because I really like blogging! But alas, this blog's original purpose was to highlight mostly M Design Boutique-related with the exception of a "Friday Feature: Album Covers" and a few other items of a random nature, I'll return to the original format.
The good news is that I've started a new blog for all the rest of the fun stuff I've got to say! Its Here -- and you should subscribe to it for lots of fun stuff such as Thin Handsome Smoker, Horoscopes, Recipes, and some just plain whatever!
You're invited! Have fun!!
So, here we are, Friday again! Time for some Record Covers that haven't seen the light of day since just about the day after they were purchased. Who knows why we're not all familiar with these gems, but there is no way the fabulous album cover art had anything to do with it...
Oh boy...its more chicks with saxaphones...and what could be more alluring? I have to wonder here, is she so inspired by sewing that suit for her man that she keeps the sax handy so she can express her passions? Or perhaps that was her man...and she fought him for the sax? Sort of a "Lord of the Flies" thing?
And while I know we have fun here on Fridays, I would like to take a moment and get very serious. The image below may at first beckon you to laugh....Don't. Mental Illness is a serious issue, and it just isn't right to poke fun. I don't even care if its backlit with Rainbows. GET HELP SHARON!!!
Please feel free to comment on these long-forgotten (by the two people who bought them) album covers....Lets heal together.
Meat and Potato Cupcakes?!!
So, it shouldn't be news that there is a CUPCAKE CRAZE going on...and although I don't eat sweets much, I want in! I figured that since I have been designing ads for people with cupcake products, and selling some cupcake items in M Design Boutique, its only right that I jump on the Cupcake bandwagon!
For about a week I had the idea of meat cupcakes with potato "frosting"...I actually saw it on another blog. The cupcakes were "meatloaf" and the "frosting" was mashed potatoes. I decided that was an interesting idea, but I needed to put my on spin on it. Uh oh!
My version is an Italian Sausage and Creamy Risotto "filling" on top of Toasted Polenta brushed with pesto. Then I carmelized onions in the oil left behind by the sausage and mixed that into mashed red potatoes for the frosting. Here is the photo essay:

Step 4: Caramelize One Onion in un-emptied pan from browning the Sausage, Mash with 4-5 red potatoes. Fill ziploc bag with mixture, cut the corner off the bag and artfully squeeze the potatoes on as frosting! Place under broiler for 15 minutes (or till tops are browned).

Step 5: Remove from oven!

Step 6: Serve with sliced Grape Tomatoes tossed with 1/2 Tbsp. Black Olive Tepenade and a dash of Balsamic Vinegar...Yum!

And the best part of the entire project? They turned out tasting reeeeeeeally good! I had three of them and Mike had four. We have enough to heat up for lunch this weekend. So, you see, my strange project (this time) was a success!
Stay Tuned for Friday's Feature: Record Covers...
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Stunning New Hand-Painted Home Decor -- Wood Bowl Pictures
Along with the Peppermills we'll be adding to M Design Boutique, we're happy to announce that Pearle Northrop paints more than just Peppermills! Here's an example of the additional home decor items we'll offer in MDB in the coming week.
RIP Bo Diddley -- 1928-2008
I realize that I'm a few days late in writing this tribute, but it is difficult to try and capture the feelings I have about the passing of this legend. I can proudly say that I saw him perform in a very intimate setting years ago...and even had the chance to speak with him afterwards!
Let me back up a little bit though. When I was in 5th or 6th grade I stumbled on my Mom's amazing collection of "forty-fives" from her high-school years...and beyond (?). These were an absolute revelation for me. I listened to The Coasters, The Beatles, Elvis (of course), The Platters, Buddy Holly, and just too many to list. I heard the songs "Poison Ivy", "Woo Hoo", "Run Red, Run", "Money", "Go Honey Go" -- and so many of these songs. It was a history lesson, a doorway into my own imagination, a stepping-off point for my interest in music...and especially rock and roll.
I made mixed-tapes of these records and began diving into my parents' record collection at-large. Led Zeppelin, Ella Fitzgerald, Joan Baez, Willie Nelson to name a few. To me, the Gods of the collection, above all others...the ones that spoke to me and haunt me in that way only music can...were Bo Diddley and Waylon Jennings. I never saw Waylon Jennings perform, which I will always regret. But thanks to my Mom (yet again), I did see Bo Diddley perform.
I still have my mom's record (she'll find this out when she reads this...sorry Mom, I'm taking very good care of it!!) "Have Guitar, Will Travel" with Bo Diddley sitting on his scooter (a Vespa?) holding his infamous "Big B" rectangular guitar (custom by "Gretsch" in the 50s and was reissued in 1999)...and looking Bo Diddley! That album broke into my brain like a freight train (not to be cliche)...with songs such as "Diddley Daddy" and "Say Man". Who can forget lyrics like "I was down in the jungle, pickin' wild beans/when something jumped up that I never before seen" or "I was drivin down the boulevard late one night when I spied a guy over on the corner, bummin all alone/now as I passed him by I heard him call out 'hey, by any chance, you goin my way'/I said 'why sho baby, hop on in and gimme a cigarette" -- aaaaah...and then the awesome tale that follows, ending in "Yeah, they gonna put him so far back in jail this time, Hell, they gonna have to pump air into him" MUST listen to this album before you die!

So, back to my Mom. Several years ago Bo Diddley did a small tour and one stop on the tour was "The Little Bear" in the mountains in Colorado. This is a small mountain-style dive-ish bar. It was stunning. My Mom got two tickets for us to see this show (she will always regret never seeing Roy Orbison perform, and didn't want to repeat this missed-opporunity...YAY MOM!!!)...anyway, Bo Diddley brought down the house in style. Anyone who saw him live can agree, I'm sure...he owns the audience. His guitars floored me...mudflap girl and all. And afterwards, he sat in a nearby booth signing autographs and quietly thanking people for coming. I approached for an autograph and nerdily said "why sho baby hop on in and give me a cigarette" thinking he would appreciate my generationally mysterious knowledge of this somewhat obscure reference to a song from "Have Guitar, Will Travel". You can guess, right? He looked blankly at me as if I'd spoken to him in Gaelic. Uuuum....ok, well, anyway I have no regrets even if I was a little uncomfortable! I spoke with a true legend...or at least TO him!
When I found out he had passed away the other day, I wasn't shocked (he was up there in years, afterall), but I did feel that sense that someone really important -- to me, to rock and roll, to so many people for so many reasons -- had moved on to another world. It is never easy to put into words what someone means to you. Bo Diddley -- I didn't know him personally, but for some reason musicians seep into our minds like old friends with their songs. Thankfully, I'll always be able to dial up "Diddley Daddy" in my mind, and on the turn-table.
Thanks Bo Diddley!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
New Belts Coming to M Design Boutique!
M Design Boutique happily announces the addition of several new belts and buckles to our collection! The "Rock" and "Lucky" buckles quickly became a top-seller in MDB, so we decided it is time to introduce some new designs.