Keep watching this blog for my report on the "Scrapbooker's Weekend" that was taking place in the Lobby of the Inn during our stay (although we were in a nearby cabin)...These women were dead serious about this activity. There were truckloads of equipment...and I mean literally. Mike took some pictures I'll post later. We also had a few drinks in the bar there with a few of them...I'd describe them as the "salty" members of the group. More on these unique ladies later.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
R is for "Random" -- I love my dog...
Keep watching this blog for my report on the "Scrapbooker's Weekend" that was taking place in the Lobby of the Inn during our stay (although we were in a nearby cabin)...These women were dead serious about this activity. There were truckloads of equipment...and I mean literally. Mike took some pictures I'll post later. We also had a few drinks in the bar there with a few of them...I'd describe them as the "salty" members of the group. More on these unique ladies later.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Coming Soon to M Design Boutique! Jennie Wu Handbags
M Design Boutique is happy to announce the acquisition of another awesome designer! Jennie Wu Handbags are handmade pieces of super-wearable art! Pictured above is the Clutch (which I just bought). M Design Boutique is working with Jennie to create fabric combos tailored to the customers of M Design Boutique!
Rest In Peace: Bacchus Owen aka: Mr Wonderful
When I pictured what kind of dog I wanted to get, there were a few special dogs I've known that stuck in my head as "perfect pets"...because of their unique combination of personality, size, love for people, the way they run, sleep, have dreams...just the awesome love they have for life.
Today I found out that one of my favorite all-time dogs has passed on. He lived a long and happy life in the mountains of Colorado with a family who loved him like crazy. He hosted lots of people like me at his home, always graciously sharing his couch with us all. Bacchus loved running and playing and he knew how to work it when it came to treats....for everyone!
He easily makes my top 5 dog list as one of the best tempered, most fun and loving animals I've had the pleasure of knowing. I know that lots of you reading this remember Bacchus (Mr. Wonderful, Senor Fabuloso, Bucket, etc) as an A+ dog. Lets all raise a glass tonight in memory of this loving friend.
My thoughts are with the Owen family. Thanks for sharing your awesome animals always.
One last note: Bacchus is my dog Sawdust's "Dog Father" and carries on his love for pizza and "action dreams".
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
M Design Boutique...M is Cookin!

New Alter Ego Pieces!
I will be adding these and more this weekend to M Design Boutique! These are made from Vintage Toys, Real Gems and Beads. If you haven't seen a celebrity wearing these yet, keep your eyes peeled! Her pieces are increasingly difficult to find because of her current popularity (Alter Ego)...M Design Boutique offers these one-of-a-kind designs exclusively! These are quick snap shots, better photos will be in the boutique shortly!
Below: Strawberry Shortcake Bracelet: $80

Also on the way to M Design Boutique: Gold, Silver and Pink High Heel Earrings, My Little Pony Bracelet, Minnie Mouse Necklace, Snow White Earrings, Hello Kitty WTF Earrings and The Jetsons Bracelet! AMAZING STUFF! I'm looking at it all right now!
Friday, April 25, 2008
As Seen on "Law and Order"
Dress it up or dress it down! Check out the amazing Swirl Yarnthings Hand-Woven Scarf as seen on Law and Order! This is great with a pair of jeans and a tank top -- as the photo shows -- and can be dressed up or down for all kinds of weather!
Perfect for Spring Weekends and Evenings!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sleeping Giant!

They sell for $25 in M Design Boutique -- and $17 for the Flower style, that fits kids or adults....

How about doing one for Mom (Mother's Day is May 11th) with some of her favorite pictures of her ADORABLE children!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
R is for "Random" -- The Ziploc Omelet
Um I hate to admit it, but I can't wait to try this. Please note that you are all spared the horrific animated graphic crap that came with the FWDFWDetc. that I got from an old friend who is a fellow camping fanatic...
Also, I'm editing the text so its not so sappy. Sorry original writer of the email containing this idea...Its a Quality Control thing! Maybe if I get some comments on this blog I'll treat you all to the entirely un-edited version of this...Enjoy the fabulous photo demo at the end of the instructions!
If there is a group of people making this, mark names on the baggies with a Sharpie (who doesn't love Sharpies? WHO?)
- Crack 2 eggs into the quart size Ziploc bag (not more than 2) shake to combine them.
- Add about 2 T. sour cream, if desired.
- Put out a variety of chopped ingredients: cheeses, ham, onion, green pepper, tomato, hash browns, salsa, green chilies, etc.
- Add prepared ingredients of choice to bags and shake.
- Get the air out of the bag and zip it up.
- Place the bags into rolling, boiling water for exactly 13 minutes.
- You can cook 6-8 omelets in a large pot.
- Cut the bags and the omelet will roll out easily.
- Serve with fresh fruit and coffee cake
- In 13 minutes, you have a nice omelet for a quick breakfast!!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Running the Numbers -- Amazing Art with a Message

You're looking at the number of plastic bags generated every 60 seconds to fill landfills and polute the environment. Gross.
If you're interested in seeing more of this kind of image...there are some amazing depictions here of plastic cups, aluminum cans, cell phones and tons more. They're fascinating and there are some great shots of them hanging on walls at actual size that will make you realize what we're doing to the Earth on a very real level! Artist: Chris Jordan
Happy Earth Day!
Check out these bags for just $8.50 available in M Design Boutique! They're Reusable Grocery Bags -- and for the money they're also extremely cute, and would also make a perfect beach tote or day bag! They hold the equivalent of two regular grocery bags worth! Seriously...$8.50!
Treat yourself for Earth Day -- how's that for a guilt-free purchase!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Pet Portraits, Lucy's Sister and Yummy Mummy!

Wine, Cheese and Raising Money!

There are still several goody bags left! I will be offering them for $5 in M Design Boutique later this week. If you order a "What Would Wolfie Do" bracelet, you'll get a goody bag too! They each have a raffle ticket attached, and once the bags are all distributed, I will draw a couple of winning tickets and announce who wins. The prize will be a WWWD bracelet!

There are more photos, which I will post throughout the week. Today is Patriot's Day, an official holiday in Massachusetts...we're headed out to the woods with Sawdust and the neighbor dogs Kai and Kobe for some running and playing! Have fun!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The First "Pro" Photos from the Buddy Dog Fundraiser!

Quick Snaps of the Event...
Thanks Everyone!
I am still getting totals together for the money raised this past week in M Design Boutique Online and at the event yesterday, which was great! Thanks to everyone who participated in any way! I will post some very specific thank-yous as the week progresses and I recover!
Buddy Dog sent three representatives to the event who were all awesome! Donna, Dawn and Linda all showed up, wondering what to expect, and they were great. Thanks to all of them and everyone who works or volunteers at Buddy Dog for the work that you do.
Thanks again to everyone who made purchases, donations, or contributions of any kind!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
In Loving Memory: Your purchase in M Design Boutique Benefits Animals!
Please enjoy the dedications below. Today, Saturday April 19th is the last day to shop M Design Boutique to contribute 50% of proceeds from your purchase to Buddy Dog Humane Society.
Thanks to ALL OF YOU who helped put this fundraiser together...from the online fundraiser to the Event at Gordon's from 2-4 pm on Main St. in Waltham. This is already a big hit thanks to online sales this week and impromptu sales at "Life's Simple Pleazures" today.
Your purchases today honor Bast and Scoshee
In Loving Memory:
Bast and Scoshee were Susan Owen’s kitties (Mystic Bliss Creations). Bast was a steadfast companion with lots of personality who loved his Susan. Scoshee was a Siamese who was quiet and shy and lived a long happy life. Their feline brother Jack and canine brother Bacchus miss them very much.
Your purchases today honor Zabazius
In Loving Memory:
Zabazius belonged to Tim Fouch and was a short-haired grey kitty. He loved and tormented his canine brothers, a Grate Dane, Jasper, and a Shar Pei mix, Bee. Zabazius ate his food like a wild animal…he ate fast and furiously, knocking kibble everywhere. He enjoyed “messing with” the dogs and then meowing for Tim’s rescue. He was tough and sweet and liked to be up high looking down on the dogs.
Your purchases today honor Smokey
In Loving Memory:
Smokey belonged to the Smith family. Smokey was a riley Weimaraner that enjoyed sitting on the couch like a human with his legs crossed. Smokey was known well by the local Animal Shelter because he could not be contained. He would escape, causing his human mom Sally to get in the car and chase him all over the neighborhood. When Sally would stop chasing him, he’d jump up into the car, unable to resist a car ride! Sally Smith honors her pets today by making a generous donation to her local animal rescue in spirit of the Buddy Dog Sip, Shop & Support Event.
Your purchases today honor Peepers and Trouble
In Loving Memory:
Peepers and Trouble belonged to the Smith family. Peepers was a beloved black and white house cat, named for those huge eyes during kittenhood…Trouble was named for, well you guessed it, trouble! Sally Smith honors her pets today by making a generous donation to her local animal rescue in spirit of the Buddy Dog Sip, Shop & Support Event.
Your purchases today honor Ebony
In Loving Memory:
Ebony belonged to the Williams family. Ebony, a black lab, loved walking with the Fouch family dog Gypsy around Bear Creek Lake. Ebony loved bread and after Ebony was gone, Brenda Williams discovered a massive stash of bread bags under the deck in the back yard!
Your purchases today honor Lady, Maggie and Molly
In Loving Memory:
Lady, Maggie and Molly belonged to the Clack family. They were all Chocolate Labs…Lady was the mother of Maggie and Maggie was the mother of Molly. They enjoyed hunting pheasants with Dave Clack, camping, and all the stuff that Labs in general love to do! They were all smart and sweet girls
Friday, April 18, 2008
In Loving Memory: Nesta
Your purchases today and tomorrow in M Design Boutique honor Nesta
In Loving Memory:
Nesta was given to Dayna Guarill (of Meriday Designs) on her 16th birthday. Nesta or “netta” lived for 17 years! Nesta was a Cocker Spaniel with lots of personality who loved her Basset Hound brother Merle and sister Millie, who are still alive and well, and enjoying cheese in the evenings. Nesta will always be missed by Dayna, who lived more than half her life with Nesta’s companionship. Nesta was a good dog.
Special thanks from M Design Boutique ( Loving Memory: Cheryl
Your purchases today and tomorrow in M Design Boutique honor Cheryl
In Loving Memory:
Cheryl the kitty belonged to Ryan Quincy and lived her life near the ocean in Los Angeles. She had a beautiful long white main that she spent hours keeping clean and tangle free. Cheryl looked like a princess but she had street smarts and easily ruled the house over Satchmo and Sonny, her canine brothers. She loved joining Ryan in the evenings in his art studio for some TLC “me” time. Cheryl also modeled for Spoiled Cowgirl Bath and Body at times.
Special thanks from M Design Boutique (
In Loving Memory: Mr. Z, Tober and Froggy
Your purchases in M Design Boutique this week (through Saturday) honor Mr Z, Tober and Froggy...and Johnny Briggs, their owner
In Loving Memory:
Mr Z was the beloved kitty of Johnny Briggs. Johnny had great respect for him and regarded him as a tough guy. Froggy was the mother of Tober, and Froggy was a horrible wonderful beast who hated children and barked at everything. Tober was her baby who was extremely gentle and once ate an entire pizza. She allowed squirrels in the house more than once. The memory of Johnny Briggs continues to provide me inspiration for doing work to raise money to help animals. -- Melissa Fouch (of M Design Boutique)

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Two Days Till the Event!
If you read this blog regularly, you know that from Tuesday (2 days ago) through Saturday every sale in M Design Boutique yields a contribution to Buddy Dog Humane Society, a shelter and rescue I am organinzing the fundraiser for.
For the locals here in Massachusetts, there will also be a Free Wine Tasting, Local Vendor Sale and Raffle over at Gordon's Liquors (in the Fine Wine and Culinary Center) on Main Street in Waltham. Its from 2-4pm on Saturday, April 19th...
I'm very excited about the event. There will be several great local vendors including:
- Yummy Mummy Brownies
- Carolyn Crotty (Artist who paints pet portraits)
- Gracie J's Boutique
The Mother's Day Necklaces and Charm Bracelets come complete with a gift box, periwinkle bow, and four enclosure card choices...for just $2 extra. There will be an example of the gift-wrap to show off what you can walk away with...Mom's gift...wrapped and all! Easy as 1-2-3...or just 1!
Vendors will donate 20% of all sales to Buddy Dog.
The raffle tickets are $1 per ticket, and you can buy an unlimited number of tickets. Which is highly encouraged, not only because 100% of proceeds from the raffle go to Buddy Dog, but because the prizes and chances of winning are pretty darn good at a two hour event!
Raffle Prizes include:
- Manicure from Life's Simple Pleazures
- Two signed copies of "A Dangerous Book for Dogs"
- M Design Boutique Buddy Dog Charm Bracelet ($50 value)
- $50 Gift Certificate to The Mad Raven
- Mystic Bliss Creations Bath and Body Products
- Lazy Dog Inn Tote Bag, Mug and T-Shirt
- and more!!
Don't feel like buying anything? No problem! Come enjoy a free wine-tasting with snacks...and bring a little something to throw in the donation box such as leashes, collars, Science Diet food, blankets, toys and cleaning products! Check the Buddy Dog Website for a complete "Wish List" of what they can use!
The Buddy Dog Sip, Shop & Support Fundraiser Event is a great opportunity to support an awesome organization in our community on what is set to be a beautiful Spring day! Come on down and take an afternoon break with us. Taste some wine and cheese, meet some new friends, shop and help raise money and awareness for rescued animals everywhere!
Just look for the Red, Yellow and White Balloons!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wow! Smurfette!

In Loving Memory -- Sadie Smith
Your purchases April 15th - April 19th honor Sadie (beloved dog)
In Loving Memory
Sadie belonged to Sally, Ray, Danny and Jackie. I remember visiting them and Sadie could be prompted to say "I love you"!! Amazing. My Uncle Ray, Sadie's human dad, is the namesake of my dog "Sawdust"...who is a year old. Uncle Ray was a logger in Oregon, and an animal lover, among other things...who earned the name "The Sawdust Romeo" while courting my dad's sister Sally many years ago. I've always admired the entire family a great deal...Sadie: "I love you too"! -- Melissa
The Buddy Dog Fundraiser Already a Success!
Thanks to those who have made purchases online at M Design Boutique today, April 15th, the Buddy Dog Fundraiser is off to a great start!
Fifty percent of proceeds from purchases made for the rest of this week in M Design Boutique go to Buddy Dog Humane Society to help support the work they do caring for and rescuing dogs and cats.
If you have been considering making a purchase, now is the time! Do it for your pets -- past, present and future! Something for you and all for a GREAT cause!
Coupon Code BUDDYDOG gets you free shipping through Saturday, April 19th!
Happy Shopping!
Woof! Meow!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
A Picture Worth a Thousand Words!

In Loving Memory -- Ted, Honey, Daisy and Tuffy (aka Chunk)
Today, April 15th - April 19th (the day of the Buddy Dog Event in Waltham, MA), a portion of all online sales at M Design Boutique will go to Buddy Dog Humane Society to help them continue to rescue and care for dogs and cats, and to adopt them out to good families.
This event and online fundraiser honor the memories of some very special pets that are missed by their loved-ones. For the rest of this week leading up to the event, I will be posting these dedications. Please feel free to honor your pets in the comments sections!Your purchases April 15th - April 19th honor Ted
In Loving Memory
Ted was a good, brown, mid-sized dog. His hobbies included giving squirrels ample warning that he was chasing them by barking as soon as he saw them, digging, and being afraid of water. He was well traveled, living the first half of his life in southern England and the second half in the western US. He was good friends with Tuffy, Daisy and shovels, and mortal enemies with sudden loud sounds and baths. His favorite foods were banana chips and beef jerky. Yup, my dog Ted loved banana chips. – Mike Machowski
Your purchases April 15th - April 19th honor Honey, Daisy and Tuffy
In Loving Memory
Honey, Daisy, and Tuffy were our Shih Tzus. Honey could dance. No kidding. She would dance with happiness whenever we returned home. Daisy was a cute little grouch. And Tuff was the most lovable sweet critter ever created. If you want some real love, find a Shih Tzu - guaranteed! -- Bev Manning
Monday, April 14, 2008
Extending Buddy Dog Online Fundraiser Dates to April 15th-19th!
M Design Boutique will donate a portion of ONLINE SALES from April 15th to the 19th!
This is an extension of the original plan to donate proceeds from just April 19th. This is your opportunity to shop for FOUR DAYS that will benefit Buddy Dog Humane Society!
Note that the "What Would Wolfie Do" Charm Bracelet yields an additional $5 donation to Buddy Dog! Wow!
PLUS: If you use coupon code "BUDDYDOG" upon checkout, you'll get FREE SHIPPING on purchases of $25 or more!
Please support this fundraiser!
Shop for yourself and help out a great cause too!
Alter Ego Jewelry in M Design Boutique!
The two bracelets pictured below are in M Design Boutique as of yesterday! They are one-of-a-kind, so when they're gone they're gone. These are "Alter Ego" pieces, which are all over the fashion world right now, from celebrities to magazines to blogs...if you haven't seen it will (seriously...who could miss these)!

Alter Ego's designer Erika rules! She started her San Diego-based company at the young age of Sixteen...four years ago. She's now just 20 years-old and runs her business like an absolute pro! Erika Walton, the owner and designer of Alter Ego jewelry, breathes new life into the cartoon characters we knew and loved from the 80's in her fun, whimsical line of bracelets and necklaces. Her story starts in her junior high days of babysitting, where she was inspired by the kids she used to watch and all their toys. Her first piece was a bracelet made of matchbox cars, which drew so much interest that Erika was convinced to start selling her creations.

These pieces are not easy to get (one of a kind and super hot right now), so I'm adding them as M Design Boutique gets them!
And...a reminder -- if you want to see a picture bigger, just click on it!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
In Loving Memory -- Sandy, Gatsby, Ralph and Lady
This Saturday, April 19th (the day of the Buddy Dog Event in Waltham, MA), a portion of all online sales at M Design Boutique will go to Buddy Dog Humane Society to help them continue to rescue and care for dogs and cats, and to adopt them out to good families.
This event and online fundraiser honor the memories of some very special pets that are missed by their loved-ones. For the rest of this week leading up to the event, I will be posting these dedications. Please feel free to honor your pets in the comments sections!
Your purchases at M Design Boutique on April 19th honor Sandy
In Loving Memory:
“My late dog Sandy lived a great long life filled with reckless abandon. She had few manners and a lot of bad habits but her zest for life and her love for her family was clear to the very end.” – Carolyn Crotty
Your purchases at M Design Boutique on April 19th honor Gatsby
In Loving Memory:
Gatsby was a gray, short-haired cat with a half-mustache. Along with his grey “tuxedo” he wore a white ascot and spats. He enjoyed engineering clothing into cat-vehicles and relaxing with his other furry friends, his mom and his dad. (The Uzdavinis Family)
Your purchases at M Design Boutique on April 19th honor Ralph
In Loving Memory:
“Ralph. Just Ralph. He was such a good dog.” – Chris Glenn
Your purchases at M Design Boutique on April 19th honor Lady
In Loving Memory:
Lady, an adopted beagle mix was my first love – she was given to me as a gift on my 12th birthday after the death of my grandmother. During her lifetime of 17-years, she was the only constant in my life giving me the gift of companionship, inspiration, love and devotion. She was the epitome of wo“man’s best friend” she will always be thought of with great fondness. – Paula Robinson Curtiss
Special thanks from M Design Boutique (
Friday, April 11, 2008
A Charm Bracelet That Saves Lives!
Wolfie, motivational Pom and spiritual master provides sound advice for daily living and answers your questions about everything from grooming to relationships on his blog at, and M Design Boutique LOVES Wolfie!
M Design Boutique introduces a "WWWD" Charm Bracelet that will help a good cause. For each bracelet sold, $5 will go to Buddy Dog Humane Society to help rescue dogs and cats!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Green is The New Black!
M Design Boutique is taking part in the "Recycle, Reuse, Reduce" Go Green movement! We just added these super cute Reusable Shopping Bags that are also perfect for a Beach Day, Shopping in the CIty or a Weekend out of town! They come in lots of fun prints, and they're not your typical ugly reusable shopping bag! No ugly logos or overt messages about being Green. You can look hot AND avoid Plastic Bags!
Pet Portraits -- Commision a Painting of Your Pet!

Acrylic on Canvas
Size 8x8
Price $160
Generally completed within 3-4 weeks from receiving a photograph of the pet. Can be shipped anywhere in the continental US courtesy of the artist.
Email M Design Boutique at for further information and inquiries!
Carolyn will be one of the vendors at the Buddy Dog Fundraiser on April 19th at Gordon's Liquors in Waltham. Stop by and bring her a picture of your pet!
R is for "Random" -- Fifty Good Things To Do
Inspired by my friend Scott Lewis (M Design Boutique Greeting Card designer), and by a blog post I read here
I am dedicating some time in my day to making a list of fifty good things to do. I'll focus on things that take very litte time and effort, just to demonstrate how easy it is to improve myself and my environment! These will serve to remind me how to be healthy, to live green and to give my time to worthy causes!
Ten for my Physical Health:
1. Drink a low-sodium V-8 (a full serving of vegetables in every can!)
2. Take a multi-vitamin
3. Hula-Hoop while watching "The Office"
4. Drink a glass of wine
5. Drink water on waking up, and throughout the day.
6. Take my dog Sawdust on a 30 minute or longer walk around the neighborhood
7. Sit up straight
8. Eat Breakfast
9. Stand up and stretch every half hour
10. Choose healthy foods
Ten for my Mental Health
1. Hug my dog every half hour
2. Pet my cat every half hour
3. Email a friend a quick hello -- here and there throughout my day online
4. Blog about something positive!
5. Count my blessings each night before bed
6. Tell my friends and family I love them
7. Keep my home and workspace clean and organized
8. Take time out to cook my meals
9. Go outside each hour to stretch and breath and see the outdoors
10. Play with my dog
Ten for the Environment
1. Put my reusable bags in the glove box
2. Rinse my recyclables and put them by the door
3. Turn off lights as I leave the room
4. Walk to the grocery store when the weather permits
5. Bring a trash bag on dog walks and pick up trash along the way
6. Inspire others to remember their reusable bags!
7. Be conscious of consumer experiences...choose GREEN
8. Learn from others what can be done to help rather than hurt
9. Be willing to change bad habits that hurt the environment
10. Make my business choices based on Green information and options
Ten for my Community
1. Pick up trash when I am walking, perhaps inspiring others to do so as well
2. Help raise money and awareness for issues that impact real people in my community
3. Give my time and skills to events related to #2 above.
4. Smile at people on the street and acknowledge them
5. Learn about the history of my neighborhood
6. Shop local businesses and support local business rather than choosing large chains
7. Display pretty plants and flowers on the front porch for those walking or driving by to enjoy
8. Be a positive representative of business in my community
9. Be a self-less driver
10. Learn new ideas about helping my community thrive
Ten for Animals
1. Love and care for my pets the best way possible
2. Learn something everyday about animals
3. Support animal related charities
4. Raise money and awareness for no-kill shelters
5. Raise awareness of puppy mills
6. Raise awareness about spaying/neutering animals
7. Learn the names of neighborhood Dogs and consider them citizens who deserve respect!
8. Carry dog treats in my pockets when I go to the woods with my dog
9. Keep the environment safe for animals
10. Drive slow through residential areas
Well...there are probably lots more! I encourage comments on this blog, as I found it quite inspirational to take the time to think of this list. My dog needs some love, so I'll sign off and play with him now, after having a glass of water and stretching!!
The New Charm-Holder Pendant!
These are the new Charm-Holder Pendants, shown here on 16" Sterling Silver Box Chain with the Mother's Day Sterling Charms. They will be available next week in M Design Boutique.
Add $10 for Sterling "Mom" Charm of your choice
The Charm-Holders are super simple to use...and you can add lots of charms and even beads! Just un-clasp the top and add as many charms as you like.
A great idea for Moms: Initials representing each child. Sterling Alphabet Charms will also be available in M Design Boutique next week.
Happy Customer! Interior Designer Linda VanDyke
For those who are wondering 'Just what kind of quality and things does M Design Boutique sell?" I bought -- for a client who just finished a big gut, and remodeled kitchen -- A pair of lovely white rubber gloves with red and white polka dot ruffled trimmed cuffs, and a great black and white striped apron with the red and white ruffled accents on the apron.
My client and her bridge club went boinkers! I am thinking everytime a client of mine does a kitchen, I will surprise them with this. Its a unique gift coming from their designer.
Thank you M Design Boutique!
-- Linda VanDyke